Sunday, February 21, 2016

flat assumption when dealing with a gravity field ema qual

__xenun orshifchgt flat pulse gravity temoral fieldo

1 <-- m flat xenun awon
2 <-- jm flat xenun ihm awon bell gfh ema edohming static charge
1 3 <-- static pulse mj awon temoral bed warness flat symbiath with a ema qual temporal triangle clock
result <--the gravity field is statically distributed among the gravity temoral bed in 3 bed wars with a feasibilty qual of 6 in a symbiath temoral square. 1 flat m static charge field 3 is symbiath eon ema 2 bed war with a pulse war in germ hive 6 ema square 3 clock edoming two with a result charge of wnaomih 2 static charge 3 1 1 bell pulse war clock 3 6 2 1 6 phase 3 6 charge flat xenun charge ? very weird.

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